Understanding student accounts

This article answers the following 4 student account questions:

  • Do educator accounts have a "student view" of a course?
  • What does a student account look like?
  • How do students complete assignments?
  • Do students need accounts?

(Watch the video or read the article below to learn more about student accounts.)

Do educator accounts have a "student view" of a course?

Yes! You can see your course as your students see it without ever leaving your educator account. To do so, visit your Dashboard and click "View/edit course" on a class tile. In this view, you can use the "Up next" arrow in the bottom right corner to scroll through your course. The course displays here just as it appears for students in their student accounts.

viewedit.png         course2.png

  Please note: You can also create a student account for yourself that you can use to preview the student experience on Checkology.

What does a student account look like?

Student accounts are designed so that students can easily access and complete your class' assigned Checkology course. Student accounts also include access to Checkology supplements like the Check Center, NLP contests, and the Word Wall. 

Student orientation

When a student logs in for the first time, they will be greeted with an optional student orientation. It contains short descriptions of each piece of functionality in their account.

Take_the_tour.PNG     Screen_Shot_2020-08-05_at_11.18.13.png

Pre-assessment survey

If the pre-assessment survey is enabled for your class, students in that class must complete the pre-assessment before starting their assigned course. Once the student submits the pre-assessment, they can begin their first Checkology lesson. 

Pre-assessment.PNG    Pre.png


The assigned Checkology course appears at the top of the student account Dashboard. Students use the "Up Next" arrow on the bottom right to navigate their course. To begin an assignment, students click "Start" on the assignment tile. To review a completed assignment, students click "Review" or they can can click "Feedback" to view any evaluation feedback you have submitted back to them. 


Underneath the assigned course, students see a quick view of their progress, The Check Center, contests (when available), and notifications.

  Full view of student account Dashboard

Help button

Students have a help button in the bottom right corner of their accounts. The help button houses a tour of their student account, a guide to how to grading on Checkology, and a FAQ. 

Help.png     Screen_Shot_2020-08-05_at_11.22.56.png

  Please note: For privacy reasons, we recommend that teachers submit support requests on behalf of their students (instead of students contacting NLP directly) if further assistance is needed.

How do students complete assignments?

When a student clicks into an assignment, it looks very similar to the educator view of lessons, challenges, exercises or missions. The primary difference is that students cannot proceed in a lesson until the "Next" button on the bottom right is triggered and turns green. The next button is triggered when the student answers an assessment or completes watching a video.

Video1.jpg     next2.png

At the end of an assignment, students should click through to the very last lesson element, hitting "Submit and back to Dashboard" when that text appears on screen. When you evaluate student work and submit feedback, students can view that feedback in their Locker tab. 

back_to_dashboard.PNG     lockertab.png

  Please note: Students can access the Word Wall anytime during an assignment by clicking the purple "Ww" on the bottom right of each lesson window.

Do students need accounts?

We recommend adding student accounts to Checkology classes because doing so allows students to work independently on course assignments, use resources like the Check Center and the Word Wall to support their learning and submit their Checkology work for evaluation.

Additionally, the vast majority of Checkology educators opt to add student accounts because doing so allows educators to track student progress, view learning gains using the pre-post platform assessment and provide quick feedback to students.

  Related article: Adding students

That said, some educators choose to use Checkology lesson previews live in class, projecting instructional videos for students from their educator account to facilitate a conversation while not requiring them to log in to Checkology on their own devices and answer assessment questions. 

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