Class settings: Course lock

What is the course lock?

The course lock determines whether students must complete a course in the order that you assigned it. 

(Watch the video or read the article below to learn more about the course lock.)

Locating the course lock

To access the course lock, navigate to your Dashboard and click "Edit" next to "Class settings" on a class tile. The course lock will appear in the center of the class settings page.

Edit_class_settings.png        Course_Lock2.png

Turning the course lock on/off

Toggle the switch to turn the course lock on (green) or off (gray). Click the green "Save" button after making any changes to class settings.

Course Lock: On

course_lockon.png   onpic.png

When the toggle switch is on/green, students will have to complete course content in the assigned order. In other words, students must complete the first lesson, exercise, challenge or mission before beginning the next one. For this reason, a "Start" or "Resume" button will only appear on one assignment at a time.

Course Lock: Off

course_lockoff.png    offpic.png

When the toggle switch is off/gray, students can begin and complete assignments in any order. Course content will still appear in the same order you assign it, but students will now see a "Start" or "Resume" button next to each assignment in the course. 

  Please note: You can turn the course lock on and off throughout your students' time on Checkology.

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