The Dashboard

What is the Dashboard?

The Dashboard is your main home page - your mission control. It provides a brief overview of account info and quick links to various platform features.

(Watch the video or read the article below to learn more about your Dashboard.)

Touring your Dashboard features

When you login to your Checkology account, you will automatically land on the Dashboard page. You can also access the Dashboard by clicking on "Dashboard" in the main navigation tabs at the top of the page.


Read more about each of the four sections of your Dashboard below: 1) Classes, 2) Browse Checkology Content, 3) The Check Center, and 4) Notifications


At the top of your Dashboard, you will see any classes you have added to Checkology. We call these your class tiles. You can add a new class anytime by clicking on the grey "+ Add class" button.

  Related article: Setting up a class

Once you have added a class, you will be prompted to assign it a course. To assign a course, click on the pink "+ assign course" button.


Each class tile has quick links to the following features:

Class settings
Click "Edit" to update information like your class title, student type, grade level, or subject. You can also enable a "Course Lock," which will prompt students in the class to complete Checkology lessons in a set order.
Click "Manage" to add new students, view individual student progress and work, or edit individual student information.
Click "Download" to download an excel spreadsheet report that includes student names, usernames, and progress on lessons and points.
Click "Evaluate" to access student work in your course learning sequence and any selected open learning activities. A pink exclamation mark will appear next to the word "Assignments" when students have submitted work that you can review and provide feedback on
View/edit course
Click "View/edit course" to see the content assigned to your class from the student perspective. From this view, you will have the option to further customize the course.

Browse Checkology content

The next section appearing on your Dashboard is a quick link to the "Content" tab where you can preview Checkology lessons, exercises, challenges, and missions.


The Check Center

The next section appearing on your Dashboard is the Check Center. The Check Center is where students continue to develop the habits of mind introduced in Checkology lessons and learn digital verification skills so they can fact check information on their own.

  Related article: The Check Center



The last section on your Dashboard displays all of your notifications:

Displays any new discussion activity in any of your class "Discuss Walls." Discuss Walls are areas where lessons and activities, along with other news literacy topics, can be discussed among all students in a class. 
Displays any new student submissions activity for any Checkology course content. 
Displays any new messaging activity from the "Message Center." You can visit the Message Center to see any new messages from the Checkology team or draft messages to your students.



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